Special educational needs

EDUQAS 2016 Religous Education exam technique guide
These slides to assist pupils in setting out their exam questions. I have made these to suit my low ability classes and help them to organise their answers. These can be used as part of your lessons, as a stand alone lesson, displays or revision.

EDUQAS Route B, Theme 1.1 & 1.2 Keyword Mat (Origin & Meaning, Good & Evil)
This is a resource I have used to assist my lower ability pupils with keywords. Each key word has an image, simplified definition , and phonetic spelling.
in addition to this there are punctuation, connective and opener pyramids. I have included the command words for each question (describe, explain, discuss) and the meaning of each. I have also included 'Hat-Trick', 'FUR' and 'Co2' as this is something I have done with my pupils to assist with exam structure.
These work best when printed in A3 and colour.
I have laminated these and allow pupils to circle the keywords that they aim to use in the questions with a dry wipe pen which works well with my classes.